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DC 348

From the Diva:

January 24th is Moebius Syndrome Awareness Day. For those of you who don’t know, my son Artoo was diagnosed with Moebius Syndrome when he was born. For all my new friends – Moebius Syndrome is a congenital nerve disorder affecting cranial VI and VII nerves controlling the lateral movement of his face.

She has generously shared a lot of information about her son and her whole life and family while hosting the best Zentangle challenge out there. Her challenge for us this week:

To raise awareness for this disorder is this week’s Challenge. Use the Moebius Syndrome Foundation’s logo as your string, or create a moebius strip out of paper and tangle that… or some other awesome creative thing that i haven’t thought of.
I chose to use the triangle shaped pattern Tripoli with two variations on filler designs on the inside and outside of the string. There are many talented artists who participate in the Diva’s challenge. You can see more Zentangle art on her blog.
I hope you have a beautiful day or contribute to beauty today.